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The cyprian

The cyprian...

Cypriots, like all representatives of the Mediterranean, are familiar with food, and the concept of rest in them is directly associated with a table that is abundantly forced by all kinds of dishes. The national cuisine of Cyprus incorporated the traditions of Greek, Turkish, Arab and Armenian cuisines, in addition, the cooks of England also contributed to it.

The dishes of Cypriot cuisine are based on fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fats of vegetable origin, which is why cooked food belongs to the category of healthy. Seafood in the Cypriot diet is not so much due to the fact that fish off the coast of Cyprus are practically not caught, but delivered from other countries.

Around the world, Cyprus has become famous for its citrus. So, local varieties of tangerines, oranges and grapefruits are incredibly juicy, so they make delicious high-quality juices, which are usually produced without the addition of preservatives and sugar.

The sweet dishes of Cypriot cuisine are mainly of eastern origin. These are oriental cookies "Halvas, " sweet baked vermicelli "Kadaif, " "Lukumi" - local Turkish onion, as well as a variant of baklava called "Baklavas. " Cyprus honey is unusually fragrant and tasty.

Even in ancient times, Cypriot wines were famous all over the world: white, pink, red - grape drinks of various varieties and species. Only in Cyprus, for example, you can taste dry white wine "Alkeon, " sweet dessert wine "Commandaria" and white wine "Nefeli. "

However, in order to gain a more complete understanding of this cuisine, do not deny yourself pleasure and order meze in a Cypriot restaurant - a complex lunch consisting of about twenty different dishes that are served on the table as you eat. Each cook has his own idea about which recipes for Cypriot cuisine will be prepared, but the standard set and strict sequence of serving dishes are always observed.

I must say that cooking on this island from time immemorial belongs to the category of revered types of employment. Among chefs, Cypriot cuisine recipes are inherited, so to speak, so experienced professional culinary experts are valued for their weight in gold.

By the way, you need to approach the mesa with all responsibility - first of all, "feed" the appetite, and then slowly enjoy food in small quantities, otherwise an unprepared body simply cannot withstand such loads.

So first, salads, cheeses, cold and hot snacks of vegetables and meat appear on the table, after which full meat dishes are served. The meal ends with sweet dishes and fruits.

All these many dishes arrive at the table in fairly quick batches, taking turns to replace each other. When all the sotrapezniki are full, a small eastern coffee cup and a miniature glass of locally made liquor or brandy are served. Thus, in one meal, you can get the most complete idea of ​ ​ this wonderful and unforgettable kitchen. The only disadvantage many tourists consider the fact that it is simply unrealistic to master all the dishes that are part of meze.