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The kenyan

The kenyan...

The Republic of Kenya is almost always associated in humans with Africa, the desert, lions and zebras. In principle, all this and much more is in this African country. Kenya is located in eastern Africa. Only in the middle of the 20th century (196

3) did Kenya gain independence from the British Empire.

Interestingly, it is the territory of modern Kenya that is considered the cradle of the origin of mankind. Scientists have found confirmation that ancient people settled at the foot of Mount Kere Nyaga, which means "mountain of whiteness, " hence the name Kenya.

Kenyan recipes are a nuclear blend of the colorful and vibrant culture of the African continent and the moderate choppiness of the English. Over the colonial years, the British were able to make tangible adjustments to Kenyan cuisine. Although, Kenyan food recipes are primarily based on the preferences of local residents and products that can be found in Africa.

For example, meat products are not often found in Kenyan dishes. Meat is expensive in Kenya, so not every resident of the state will be able to afford a steak for dinner. Kenyans can keep pet goats or chicken and use animal meat in cooking Kenyan cuisine. Among Kenyan delicacies, you can find ostrich and crocodile meat.

Don't be surprised, but even zebra and giraffe meat is eaten by Kenyan foodies in modern times. It seems that many thousands of years ago all African natives ate delicacies, because what animal you met is what you get for dinner, and it doesn't matter who it is - zebra, giraffe, crocodile or domestic chicken.

On the other hand, residents of those areas of Kenya where rivers are available in their diet emphasize fish dishes. Kenya is a country that grows delicious fruit.

The weather allows you to remove crops from fruit trees several times a year. You'll always be able to sample a fresh and ripe mango or pineapple, make an avocado salad or drink coconut milk. Kenyans make side dishes for their rice or corn dishes, and also use potatoes.

Kenyans use a lot of seasoning in dishes of national cuisine. Remember this, because if you do not warn the cook in advance, you will be served a fiery dish that you will not be able to eat with a habit and half.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the traditional cuisines of various Kenyan tribes. After all, the territory on which a person lives depends on the food that he consumes. For example, the African tribe of Swahili base recipes for their local cuisine on tamarindas and nuts.

Kikuyu is eaten every day with pea-corn porridge and potatoes, and Luo is adored with fish (tilapia), which is watered with hot sauce with tomatoes. In almost all Kenyan tribes, insects are eaten. Fried termites or locusts can be offered to you, and maize porridge will be served as a side dish.