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The italian

The italian...

Italian cuisine is no less famous than other elements of Italian culture. Traditional Italian cuisine is varied, multicolored with rich and tart flavours. At the same time, Italian cuisine lacks those delights that amaze us in French cuisine. The Italian culinary tradition is much simpler. The cooking process, however, is like creating a masterpiece. All this creates an atmosphere of attraction, riddle, unusually cheerful, even playful, mood.

Italy is located in almost ideal climatic conditions for farming, so the recipes of Italian cuisine are replete with vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are the main ingredients of Italian cuisine. Of the vegetables, Italians prefer cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, onions and legumes. The traditional way to make vegetables in Italian dishes is to simmer them in your own juice with the addition of wine and olive oil.

The northern areas of Italy, where the main pastures are located, are replete with meat and dairy products. The division of the country into areas where certain products or recipes prevail is traditional and characteristic not only of Italian cuisine.

Vegetables, fruits and spicy herbs have become the basis for the beautiful and unusual sauces for which Italian cuisine is famous. These sauces are served in various variations to traditional Italian dishes. These include, for example, pasta, ravioli, lasagna and others. There are a great many sauces in the Italian culinary tradition. These are "salsa di pomodoro, " and "pesto, " and "sandwich, " and onion and many, many others. Each dish, these sauces give a special taste and aroma, their own unique shade.

One of Italy's most famous products is, of course, cheese. Everything in Italian cuisine is amazing, but the abundance of cheese varieties is especially so. Italian cheeses are hard, semi-soft, semi-hard, fresh, mature, blue (with mold), from cheese clot, from whey. Perhaps the most famous cheese in Italy is "gorgonzolla, " a blue-mold cheese that gives the cheese a stunning spicy and slightly spicy taste. The variety "mozzarella" is no less known. Mozzarella is an integral part of traditional Italian pizza. They sell real mozzarella floating in serum.

If we are talking about pizza, then one cannot but say a few words on this unique dish of Italian cuisine. There are countless pizza-making options in Italian food recipes. The birthplace of pizza is considered Naples, but the entire population is still debating about this, challenging the rights of Naples.

Pasta and dough are considered the basis of Italian cuisine. Pasta is popular on its own, combined with all sorts of sauces. Applications test in Italy found a wide variety. Lasagna is prepared from the dough - a puff casserole with many different fillings. From the dough, ravioli are made - small dumplings with mushroom, vegetable, meat or cheese fillings.

Of the drinks, Italians prefer wine. Wine is no less popular in Italy than in France. Wine for Italians is not just a drink, it is a way of thinking, a state of mind and, of course, one of the key ingredients of many dishes. Grappa is especially proud of Italians. Grappa is an alcoholic grape drink whose distinctive feature is that it is bottled with whole fruit. After some time, they give the grappa all their taste and aroma, creating a unique drink.

In Italy, coffee has been unusually popular since the mid-20th century. It was the Italians who invented the instant coffee machine for this fragrant and invigorating drink.

The recipes of Italian cuisine are also varied in terms of desserts. The most famous Italian dessert is perhaps tiramisu. It was invented back in the 17th century and has since delighted not only native Italians but visitors to the country with its stunning taste.

You can talk about Italian cuisine for a very long time. We tried to reveal only a small part of the secrets of this diverse and surprisingly abundant culinary tradition.