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The spanish

The spanish...

Spanish cuisine represents many different traditions. It is difficult to characterize it as a holistic phenomenon, because the national Spanish cuisine consisted of numerous regional cuisines. It is worth saying, however, that the basis of the recipes of Spanish cuisine is quite simple. It is composed of sweet pepper, onions and garlic. Olive oil and greens are widespread.

The preparation of Spanish cuisine is simple and quick. Such techniques as baking with sheep's cheese, stewing in wine and grilling are actively used here. Spanish cuisine has incorporated the traditions of French and Italian cuisines, as well as Arab culinary traditions, which is expressed in the wide distribution in the recipes of Spanish dishes of various spices, rice and almonds.

It was thanks to Spanish seafarers that Europeans became acquainted with many products of other continents: pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, corn and chocolate. Recipes for Spanish cuisine in the northern regions abound in fish and seafood. The most famous dish here is perhaps baked cod with garlic. Spaniards love and cook pike, eel, mackerel, trout, sardine, salmon and crabs. An exquisite dish is considered a boiled octopus, as well as merlan fish, which is stewed in a clay pot.

The Mediterranean coast of Spain was heavily influenced by France and Italy. In national cuisine, this can be seen especially clearly. Spanish cuisine in this part of the country is replete with all sorts of sauces. The most famous of these are "sofrito, " a sauce made from tomato garlic, onion, pepper and herbs; "samphaina" - a sauce that is made based on tomatoes, eggplant and pepper; "picada" is a sauce of garlic, fried almonds and herbs.

In this part of the country, pork sausages with white beans fried in boiling pork lard are considered traditional dishes, as well as a surprisingly tasty stew of pork legs and pork head. As a snack, white bread, densely greased with olive oil, grated with tomato and garlic, is usually served here.

Spaniards prefer to use beef, pork, as well as meat from young goats to prepare their national dishes. Spanish cuisine is replete with all sorts of vegetables. Among the most popular are legumes and already mentioned peppers, tomatoes, eggplants.

Perhaps the famous dish of Spanish cuisine is the cold gazpaccio soup. This amazing dish has appeared in Andalusia, one of the most fertile and colorful areas of Spain.

The daily meal of the Spaniards resembles a small holiday. Residents of the country approach food intake in very detail. They eat, as a rule, taking their time and with pleasure. Each meal necessarily involves the observance of many customs and ceremonies. The Spaniards especially love and appreciate breakfast. At this time, you can treat yourself to a cup of hot chocolate with churros. Churros is a traditional Spanish dessert, which is a spiral of pastry that is fried in oil.

Any tourist will find something amazing for himself in the dishes of Spanish cuisine. The recipes of Spanish cuisine amaze with their variety, variability, but invariably captivate with excellent taste and unique aroma, which are sure to give pleasure.