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The indochina

The indochina...

Indochina cuisine is the national dishes and cuisines of several countries that belong to the region in Asia Indochina. Indochina dishes are recipes from the peoples of Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.

All these states are located in Southeast Asia, so the national cuisines of the countries were combined into one group of recipes for Indochina cuisine.

Asians do not think about their diet without such an important product as rice. There are several types of rice that are successfully used in the preparation of Indian dishes. White rice, brown rice, dumplings of rice, all this Asian bread. in Indochian cuisine, rice is the head of everything. In the mountainous regions of Burma and Laos, people eat taro, cassava, corn and yam.

Vegetables, meat or fish are more likely a side dish for the main rice dish. The fish is baked or boiled with seasonings and spicy herbs. Among the recipes of Indochinese cuisine, you can also find ways to cook dried, salted and dried fish. In Burma and Laos, meat is a rare guest on people's mundane menu. A special place in the recipes of Indochinese cuisine is occupied by fruits.

Excellent climatic conditions allow the cultivation of mangoes, papaya and avocados. Vegetables and fruits in Indochinese cuisine are used to make delicious and dietary salads. It is worth trying the original dishes of Lao cuisine "sommu" (sausage), "naem-nuang" (meat with herbs) and "changnam-tuk" (salad).

In Cambodia, pasta and noodles are as popular as rice. Cambodians have adopted this tradition from their Thai neighbors. Another feature of Indochinese cuisine is the widespread use of pickled or sauerkraut vegetables and even fruits. The popular dish of Cambodian cuisine soup "kitevu" with noodles and various additives from seafood or fish deserves special attention.

In Thailand, culinary experts prefer to add a variety of spices and spices to their dishes. No Thai dish will be made without the addition of celery, cilantro or dill. Modern Thai cuisine is characterized by a variety of dishes that are rooted not only in Asian culture. The delicious Thai fried rice "kao-pat" is prepared with the addition of vegetables and seafood or meat.

Many foodies talk about the traditions of Vietnamese cuisine like this - an excellent taste of food, combined with an unpleasant specific smell. This is due to the recipe of Vietnamese dishes, in which the frequent ingredient will be shallot, fish, chicken and pork.

In Vietnam, almost no milk is used in cooking, replacing it with soybeans. Vietnamese people consider delicacies - meat of rats, cats and dogs, and the most delicate fillet of a crocodile is considered the product of the Gods. Vietnam, like Thailand, is a meat-eater country. But in Burma, Laos and Cambodia they eat more fish.

As for the drinks consumed by the peoples of the Indochina region. Different varieties of tea (black, green, floral) are ubiquitous. Many peoples adopted coffee traditions from European colonizers. And all the peoples of Indochina have their own special national drinks, both alcoholic and not.