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The dutch

The dutch...

Historically, Holland, despite its small territory, plays an important role among agricultural producers. Thus, this small European country not only meets its needs for natural products, but also grows a lot for export. Of course, this could not but affect the culinary traditions of Dutch cuisine.

First of all, it is worth saying that Dutch hostesses cook perfectly, but prefer not to spend a lot of time on it. That is why it is not easy to find a dish in the recipes of Dutch cuisine that has a very complex cooking technology, but invariably Dutch cuisine amazes with its excellent taste and surprisingly harmonious combination of products. As an example, we can call the famous Dutch sauce, which fits perfectly with all the products used in Dutch dishes.

The traditional dish of Dutch cuisine is considered to be "hutspot. " This is sliced braised or boiled beef, served with vegetable mash of carrots, potatoes and onions as a side dish.

Dutch food recipes were notably influenced by the German and Danish culinary traditions. First of all, it affects the abundance of hearty and high-calorie dishes among the dishes of Dutch cuisine. But here there are some features that are associated with the influence of other states of Western Europe. This is most clearly manifested by the national Dutch dish "hazepeper, " which is otherwise called a dish "in one pot. " A hazepeper is a hare braised in red wine with finely cut onions.

In the dishes of Dutch cuisine, Malay influence is also felt. This is due to the colonial past of Holland, when almost every surname had close ties with the Indonesian peninsula and, which is quite natural, took on some culinary traditions. For example, a rice dish with an exotic sauce of syub gyum meat is firmly established in Dutch cuisine. Currently, Indonesian restaurants are widespread throughout the country, the main task of which is to preserve the culinary traditions of Indonesian cuisine.

The geographical location of the country led to another feature of Dutch cuisine - the abundance of fish and seafood in them. Herring, halibut, eel and oysters are considered quite everyday food. The traditional way to cook fish is to stew. Stewed fish, watered with melted butter, is usually served in combination with potatoes and fresh herbs.

Holland has long been famous for its cheeses, invariably tasty and high quality. The variety of cheese varieties is not so great, but connoisseurs of Dutch cheese unmistakably differ in a product prepared in compliance with all technologies.

The Dutch love and appreciate sweet dishes. Dutch muffins and biscuits are known all over the world. The technology of their preparation is kept in the strictest secret and transmitted from generation to generation. Sweet is eaten at any time of the day, as a rule, complementing it with sweet coffee with cream or sweet wine.

As for drinks, everything is clear here. The harsh climate left its mark on the Dutch tradition of spirits. They prefer to drink vodka, predominantly juniper, called "Enever. "

Dutch cuisine has developed in difficult climatic and historical conditions. However, despite all the difficulties that the Dutch experienced, they managed to maintain the uniqueness of their cuisine, to make it one of the most worthy cuisines in the world.