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Often in our everyday life we use the phrases "delicious at home, " "recipes for home cooking, " "cooked at home. " People always put positive and warm emotions into the phrase home cooking. When you try a beautifully prepared dish of home cooking and suddenly remember that your grandmother bakes exactly the same pies, it becomes warm and cozy, somehow homemade.

Although there is another meaning to the phrase home cooking. "Home" means dishes that are cooked at home. For example, a regular meal that you have prepared for yourself and your family is considered home cooking. According to this logic, food that is masterfully prepared by the chef in the restaurant will never be considered homemade.

You can safely characterize home cooking like this - these are dishes that are prepared according to family recipes, with a special mood and feelings, because for yourself and your loved ones and at home in your own kitchen. The highlight of home cooking can be considered the peculiarity of the recipe and those traditions that are associated with family cookbooks.

In many families, there is a special tradition that has been lime since ancient times. From mother to daughter, the favorite recipes of the home family cuisine are passed. In the eastern states, the mother-in-law personally trains her daughter-in-law to prepare family cuisine for her husband. It is believed that home cooking will preserve peace and tranquility in the family, because a man will eat the food to which he has become accustomed since childhood, which means he will be full and happy. Although this statement is true.

You remember how pleasant it is to treat yourself and your household to delicious ones. Food needs to be cooked with pleasure, then every time there will be a small culinary masterpiece. Home cuisine can refer to the recipes of national cuisine of various states of the world, and hostesses will cook around the world Japanese sushi, Italian ravioli, and Swiss fondue, as well as pies, dumplings and borscht and much more. All these dishes will belong to home cooking, despite the nationality of the people who invented them.

Probably the main difference between home cooking and everyone else, so to speak a bright personality, lies in constant improvisation when preparing food. How often the hostess is forced to replace one ingredient provided for by the recipe of the dish with another. Sometimes by changing only one single product in the original recipe, the hostess invents her own special signature recipe. An individual secret component that gives the dish a bright and expressive taste, this is the main secret and weapon of home cooking.