The danish
Danish cuisine is one of the most typical culinary traditions of northern peoples. A distinctive feature of this cuisine is the abundance of hearty dishes, which contain a lot of fat and sugar. This is due to the harsh northern climate, so high-calorie food is more of a vital necessity than a whim of the inhabitants of the northern regions.
Danish cuisine has incorporated the traditions of German and Scandinavian cuisines. At the same time, the Danes managed to amazingly harmonize these so different traditions and create from them a unique and unique national cuisine.
Danish recipes are dominated by dishes that can be stored for a long time. Danish dishes are prepared, as a rule, on pork lard. Meat and dairy products are especially common in this region, which colorfully illustrates the oldest occupation of the Danes - cattle breeding. The northern soils are predominantly poor and fertile, so agriculture among the Danes is less developed. Still, some vegetables are perfectly adapted for the harsh northern climate. In particular, these include potatoes and some cereals.
The constant source of many foods in the diet of the Danes is forest. For a long time, Danish recipes use his gifts - mushrooms, berries, game.
So, the number of products used in Danish dishes is not striking in its diversity, which cannot be said about the dishes themselves. Danes are big lovers of delicious and satisfying food. Especially in this regard, festive dinners are impressive. Christmas dinner in Denmark is a major test for an unprepared stomach. The main course on the festive table is a duck, which is accompanied by numerous fish snacks and sweets.
The Danes have a completely special and reverent attitude towards fish. The most common fish species in Denmark are herring, flounder, eel, as well as grind, a small catfish that lives in local coastal waters.
In a huge abundance, dairy products are present in the diet of the Danes. Danes drink fresh milk several times a day. Almost everything is prepared from milk - porridge, soups, casseroles, etc.
Denmark has long been considered the "country of sandwiches. " Sandwiches are one of the most common Danish dishes. There are both simple and very complex, multi-layered structures. Sandwiches in Denmark are often served with salads. And also a very common option is when a finished salad is applied to bread and eaten like this.
From meat, the recipes of Danish dishes are dominated by pork. Pork is consumed in a wide variety of types, and potatoes and cabbage are most often served on the side dish.
It has already been mentioned that Danes are very fond of sweets. The most famous Danish dessert is red-dream-mez-flese, which is a berry jelly soup with whipped cream. Danish buns, sweets, as well as apple pie with currant jelly are equally popular.
As for drinks, the German influence is obvious here. Danes are very fond of beer, which is considered a national drink. From strong drinks are known liquor "Sherrihering, " as well as vodka "Aquavit. " The features of the Danish climate led to the love of local residents for a warming alcoholic drink glogg, which resembles mulled wine.
Danish cuisine surprises with its simplicity, which, however, is imaginary. Danish cuisine recipes are diverse and unique in many of their parameters.