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The belgian

The belgian...

Numerous traditions of Belgian cuisine are reflected in numerous national restaurants, which are scattered throughout the country. The signature of Belgium can be called the famous dish "mussels with French fries. "

Belgian waffles and Belgian chocolate are equally well known and popular. Chocolate, by the way, is one of the main exports of this country, and it is exported mainly to other European countries. If we talk about foreign influence, then the recipes of Belgian cuisine are largely reminiscent of French cuisine, the basis of which is seafood. The impact of nearby German and Dutch culinary traditions cannot be overlooked either.

Each individual area of ​ ​ Belgium has its own crown dish, but it is worth noting that Belgian cuisine is quite uniform. Local products such as fish and seafood, brussels sprouts, asparagus, endive (chicory), leeks, cheese, beer and, of course, chocolate are used as key products in Belgian recipes.

French fries occupy a separate place among the dishes of Belgian cuisine. It is believed that it was invented in Belgium, so the Belgians are very proud of it. In addition to potatoes, which are often served as a side dish for numerous dishes, Belgians are very fond of meat and fish. Belgian recipes abound in all sorts of hearty soup options that can make a full meal.

In Belgian cuisine, as a tribute to medieval traditions, a large amount of seasonings, vinegar and dried fruits are added, which gives the dishes an original sweet and sour taste.

No less pride than French fries evokes chicory among Belgians. This vegetable was discovered by a local farmer back in the 19th century and from here spread widely to many European countries. Chicory was originally used as a raw material for coffee drinks, but once, thanks to a happy occasion, chicory was discovered and as an excellent vegetable. Currently, chicory, or endive, is very popular in France, where it even received the name "white gold. "

Belgian waffles are an integral part of the Belgian culinary tradition. The secret of making great waffles in a special waffle iron, which can only be purchased in Belgium. It's thanks to this wonderful fixture that the waffles are golden and crisp on the outside and airy and delicate on the inside. Amazing effect, right? Of course, an integral part of the successful preparation of waffles is a special yeast dough, the secret of which the Belgians very zealously store from outsiders. Waffles are usually served with a wide variety of fillings. For example, it can be whipped cream, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate.

Beer is rightfully considered the national Belgian drink. There are a huge number of large and small breweries in the country that allow you to enjoy a wide variety of types of this drink. Beers that are made from wheat and barley are especially popular in Belgium. The rather unusual Belgian beer "lambik, " which insists on fruits, is also widely known around the world and is produced in small quantities. Therefore, this light, sizzling drink is considered rare and almost exclusive.

For a long time, monks were engaged in brewing in Belgium. To date, their unique recipes and production secrets have been preserved, which are used by modern Belgian brewers. Beer and brewing are an important part of the life of Belgians. And even if because of the neighborhood of Germany, Belgian beer is not so well known and popular, but many holidays and festivals dedicated to this drink are held on a huge scale.

Belgian cuisine holds many and many old secrets that are passed down from generation to generation. It was thanks to this continuity that the Belgian culinary tradition managed to maintain its uniqueness and uniqueness.