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The belarusian

The belarusian...

Traditional Belarusian cuisine was formed under the influence of nearby neighbors, which include the culinary traditions of Russians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and Poles. At the same time, foreign preferences very quickly assimilated into local features and needs.

The basis of the recipes of Belarusian cuisine are dishes made of grated potatoes. Belarusians have a great many of them. These are drunks, sorcerers, and brawls, and grandmother, and all kinds of potato casseroles.

Since ancient times, Belarusians have been engaged in agriculture, which certainly left its mark on the recipes of Belarusian cuisine. Vegetable products grown in local fields are widespread in Belarusian cuisine. Of course, these are all kinds of cereals, as well as legumes and vegetables.

A distinctive feature of Belarusian cuisine is the use of not "white, " but "black" flour. It includes rye, oat, buckwheat, barley and pea flour. The traditional dish of Belarusian cuisine is pancakes. Belarusian pancakes are not at all like Russians. They are called "clearance, " as they bake them from the clearance - a spontaneously dried solution of water with flour. Pies in the Belarusian culinary tradition are practically not found.

Of the flour dishes of Belarusian cuisine, dumplings, kulesh, grating, nalistniks were and remain the most popular, but from cereals - of course, grit and thick.

All kinds of fermented milk products are widespread, such as sour cream, cottage cheese, oil, whey. They are used in the preparation of numerous dishes, which include flour, mushrooms, potatoes and other vegetables.

As for the plants that have been used and are still used in recipes for Belarusian cuisine, here are the undisputed leaders of parsnips, parsley, cumin, mint, dill, poppy, horseradish, as well as spices brought from Poland - cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and bay leaf.

From meat in the recipes of Belarusian cuisine, pork and lamb are mainly found. The traditional Belarusian dish "piachisto" is pork or lamb baked in large pieces. Pork is used mainly for making homemade sausages and vyandlina. Vyandlina is a characteristic dish of Belarusian cuisine, a slightly smoked Korean or ham. Bigus is also unusually popular - stew with cabbage.

The main alcoholic beverages of Belarus are gorilka and zubrovka, as well as krambambulya - an unusual drink on vodka with honey. They drink kvass, sbiten and birch in Belarus. Berries and fruits are also extremely popular in traditional Belarusian cuisine. Jelly, kulagi, mashed potatoes and casseroles are most often prepared from them. For a long time, they were used in the Post, which was always observed and revered in Belarus.

In the traditions of Belarusian cuisine, dinners dedicated to the main events in a person's life - wedding, maternity and memorial - stand out. They were always prepared for them with special care and effort.

Belarusian cuisine still retains all ancient national traditions. Almost without changes in the composition and technology of cooking, stable and original dishes, such unique and such a kind of Belarusian cuisine have survived to this day.