The bavarian

Bavarian cuisine occupies a special place in the German cuisine. Bavaria is famous for the abundance of catering establishments, where every traveler and local resident will find something suitable for themselves. To be sure, in light of recent globalization trends, Bavaria has a host of fast food restaurants dominated by pan-European culinary traditions. However, this does not cancel establishments with a purely German national flavor.
Germany is known as a multinational country. Public catering, in this regard, turned out to be monopolized by individual diasporas. So, for example, ice cream is sold almost everywhere by immigrants from Italy. Turkish national restaurants and cafes with traditional dishes of Turkish cuisine are widespread.
But now we will talk about truly Bavarian cuisine, which is simple, uncomplicated, but at the same time it is a very healthy and satisfying food.
In the recipes of Bavarian cuisine in a huge variety there are pastries and other flour dishes. Of the meat dishes, the famous Bavarian sausages, pates, knuckles prevail.
Bavarians love all kinds of cheeses and cheese snacks. These include, for example, the well-known cold snack of obacda, which is made from grated cheese, butter with the addition of cottage cheese, onions, paprika dill seeds and, oddly enough, beer. They eat obatzda, as a rule, together with brezel, which is a Bavarian pretzel, generously sprinkled with salt. Brezel - traditionally served to beer.
Various types of chillies are very widely represented in Bavarian recipes. Meat products by practical Bavarians are used almost waste-free. Eggs, pickles and, of course, vinegar are generously added to jellyfish as a traditional dish of Bavarian cuisine.
As for the first courses, they are not an integral part of the Bavarian culinary tradition. However, in this category you can distinguish eintopfs, which is a thick chowder or stew and is able to replace the Bavarian with a full lunch. Eintopf can include almost countless ingredients, in particular, legume seeds, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, meat pieces, speck, sausages, pasta, and more.
Perhaps one of the main dishes of Bavarian cuisine is a specially cooked pork leg, which is called "Schweinhaxe. " Sour cabbage and traditional knodels are widely used as side dishes for meat dishes of Bavarian cuisine. Knodels, in fact, are balls of flour with the addition of potatoes, bread crumb, spinach, boiled in water or steamed. The amount and type of additives to the sneakers are not regulated by anything and depend only on the chef's imagination.
Another common side dish in Bavarian recipes is potato salad, which can be served both heated and cold.
We learn nothing about Bavarian cuisine if we forget to mention the famous Bavarian sausages. There are simply countless varieties and species of them in Bavaria. Every city in Bavaria boasts some unique kind of these meats. White Munich sausages, called "Weiswurst, " are especially popular. They are prepared from veal, lard combined with fresh chopped parsley.
Needless to say, the most popular drink in all of Germany and Bavaria, of course, is also beer. Perhaps this can become a separate topic of conversation.
Bavarian desserts prefer simple, but surprisingly tasty. These include sweet pies, various types of strudels and, of course, cakes. All this sweet splendour is invariably served with coffee, which in Bavaria is drunk in unlimited quantities. Therefore, if you do not want to seem like a foreigner, order yourself coffee, not tea.
Bavarian cuisine is not at all boring and monotonous, as it might seem at first glance. She absorbed the best German and European traditions, managing to maintain her uniqueness and uniqueness.