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It is well known that at all times and in all countries, author's works were valued much higher than mass-produced products. The same can be said for culinary masterpieces.

The author's dish is a real work of art, created not only with special effort, but also certainly with inspiration, without which it is impossible to get a real work of culinary art. It would be wrong to think that creating an author's dish is very simple, just add a new ingredient to the usual and familiar recipe of any of the national cuisines. The recipes of the author's cuisine do not boil down only to this, this is a special philosophy that is not limited only to a certain set of products.

The recipes of the author's cuisine use the most usual products at first glance, but the result is a dish that amazes with its originality, moreover, its uniqueness. It is very important for the creator of the author's kitchen to have a sense of measure, because he and only he selects products, checks the proportions, comes up with perfectly suitable sauces and dressings, and also presents the idea of ​ ​ original design of the finished dish and serving to the table.

The philosophy of the author's cuisine can be reduced to the following: unusual from the usual. And, indeed, the dishes of the author's cuisine use the products that are familiar to us, which, thanks to the unusual combination in the composition of the dishes of the author's cuisine, acquire completely new shades of taste and aroma, open up new facets.

One of the most revealing dishes of the author's cuisine is, perhaps, a strawberry dessert called "Five Notes. " The uniqueness of the recipe is that the strawberries in it are served in five (! ) Different states, such as fresh, liquid, frozen, dry and crystallized.

The recipe in the preparation of dishes of the author's cuisine does not play any role, on the contrary, it only limits the creative scope of the cook. Therefore, a real master acts exclusively based on his intuition, but at the same time, of course, it is important to observe a fine line so as not to spoil the taste of your masterpiece. Another small limitation may be considered the nationality of the dish. For example, if the creator of the author's cuisine works in a national restaurant, then, of course, he will strive to adjust his works to the preferences of his visitors, who are accustomed to one or another national culinary tradition. In such cases, the author's versions of the dishes correspond as much as possible to the peculiar classical canons adopted in the cuisines of the peoples of the world.

However, this will not stop the real master of his craft. Even in such conditions, he will be able to maintain his individuality and give seemingly familiar products a completely new sound. An important detail is that a person trying a dish of author's cuisine can be sure of the quality of this culinary masterpiece. Always for such purposes, only the best and freshest products are used. Therefore, surely any recipe for author's cuisine will delight you with an amazing taste and high quality.