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The armenian

The armenian...

Perhaps the oldest cuisine of the Caucasian region is Armenian cuisine. The main traditions of Armenian cuisine developed back in time immemorial and, surprisingly, remained almost unchanged.

Continuity, including in the recipe and methods of preparing Armenian cuisine, is one of its main features. For example, this is a tonir common throughout the region - a special type of hearth, thanks to which you can cook a huge number of unusually tasty dishes.

In the Armenian culinary tradition, pottery is widespread, and so widespread that many words of the Armenian language - putuk, tapak, kchuch - denote both dishes and the dish that is prepared in it. It should be noted that for the most part, Armenian cuisine is complex in composition and according to the cooking technology, but even more surprising and impressive is the final result in the form of a finished dish.

A particularly complex technological process is manifested in the preparation of dessert dishes of Armenian cuisine. The production of desserts is usually accompanied by a multiple change of operations, but as a result, the simplest products turn into exquisite and unique Armenian sweets.

For a long time in Armenia they love meat dishes very much. Among the types of meat, beef, lamb, buffalo meat, as well as poultry meat: chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys are the most popular. A characteristic feature of the recipes of Armenian cuisine is the combination of various types of meat in one dish. As an example, we can cite the famous arganac, for the preparation of which venison is boiled on chicken broth.

In addition to meat dishes, fermented milk products are widespread in Armenia. This includes all kinds of cheeses, and mainly home-made. Armenians do not leave anything unattended and even process whey and buttermilk, making dry buttermilk chortan and cottage cheese zhazhik from them.

Fermented milk products in Armenian cuisine are almost as popular. Like bread and flour products. The main type of bread in the Armenian culinary tradition is lavash and matnakash.

Favorable conditions for agriculture allowed Armenia to take its honorable place in a number of agrarian powers. The most widespread cultivation of grain and legumes. And, undoubtedly, this left its mark on traditional recipes of Armenian cuisine, in which cereals and seeds of legume plants are actively used, and often in rare and unexpected combinations.

Of course, a special and significant place is reserved for fruits and vegetables in Armenian cuisine. Vegetables are consumed here in a variety of types: in raw, pickled, dried, etc. Vegetables are an indispensable attribute of the first and second courses of Armenian cuisine. However, not only vegetables, but also fruits are used for the same purposes. For example, these are cherry plum, lemon, raisins, dried apricots, quince, pomegranate. It is fruits that give a unique and very peculiar taste to meat and fish dishes.

Speaking of fish. In Armenia, mainly local fish, namely trout, are used to prepare culinary masterpieces. Trout dishes are also distinguished by a complex technological process of cooking, which is, as already mentioned, a characteristic feature of Armenian recipes.

Armenian cuisine is generously filled with all kinds of spices and herbs. First of all, these are cilantro, basil, tarragon, pepper, thyme, mint, cardamom, cinnamon, saffron, cloves, and, of course, onions and garlic.

The national drink of Armenia is cognac. The history of cognac production in Armenia dates back a little over 100 years, but during this time it gained world fame and fame. In recent years, the production of traditional Armenian wine has significantly decreased, but everywhere, including handicraft, mulberry vodka is prepared not only with excellent taste qualities, but also considered a healing drink in Armenia.

Among soft drinks, the most famous is tarhun, but not the one sold in our plastic bottles, but the real tarhun. They love and appreciate fruit juices, mineral waters, as well as coffee and tea of excellent quality in Armenia, by the way.

National Armenian cuisine is, on the one hand, one of the most typical culinary traditions of the Caucasus, and, on the other, a completely individual and unique cuisine with ancient and rich traditions.