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The argentina

The argentina...

Argentine cuisine, amazing in its diversity, has incorporated numerous local traditions and all kinds of recipes brought here by immigrants from other continents, mainly from Europe. The influence of the European culinary tradition is much more noticeable here than in other regions of Latin America. This influence is manifested not only in the recipes of Argentine cuisine, but also in the traditions of serving the table and serving dishes.

One of the most striking trends is the prevalence of grilled dishes. On almost every corner of any of the Argentine cities, you can find restaurants called "parillade" or "churrascaria, " specializing in preparing products in this way.

Argentine recipes use a huge variety of vegetables. They are prepared in various ways. To be sure, vegetables are used as a side dish for meat dishes, but are also included in complex and multi-component dishes. Salads are quite familiar Argentine dishes, but at the same time they have their own specifics. This is not just our usual vegetable cut with sauce, Argentine salads include a large number of animal products such as meat, sausage, eggs, fish and seafood.

The vegetable stew "saltado" is ubiquitous in Argentina, as well as the cold soup "gazpacho" - a nationally Argentine dish that is so popular throughout Latin America that the right to its uniqueness is disputed by almost all countries in this region. It is made from wiped tomatoes and cucumbers.

In large quantities there are the following vegetable dishes of Argentine cuisine - vegetable puree, fried potatoes and, of course, all kinds of pizzas, simply unthinkable without vegetables.

Argentina has the second largest beef consumption in the world. Therefore, it is quite natural that beef in various versions is a traditional dish of Argentine cuisine. Chops, rolls are made from beef, baked, fried, stewed. Meat with blood is especially popular in Argentina. In addition to rather traditional meat dishes, quite exotic ones are also found in Argentine recipes. For example, roasted oxtails, stewed armadillo, nandu and emu meat in various variations, as well as the roast meat of the local rodent "visachi. "

The Argentine coast is rich in all kinds of fish and seafood. Argentine shrimp, oysters, squid, as well as eel and trout are famous all over the world. Fish are cooked here in every way possible. It is fried, stewed, boiled, dried, pickled, etc.

If we talk about Argentine desserts, then, in general, they are similar to desserts of other Latin American countries. In Argentina, they love fresh and candied fruits, sugar-fried nuts, patties with all kinds of fruit fillings, as well as a wonderful Argentine ice cream called "helado. "

Argentines love and appreciate their traditional drink - "mate" tea, as well as coffee, which is imported from neighboring Brazil and Colombia. Among alcoholic beverages, the undisputed leadership belongs to the excellent Argentine wine, mainly red. Local winemakers are known far beyond Argentina. Argentine wine is valued all over the world. Whiskey and gin made in this amazing country are also famous for their excellent quality.

Argentine cuisine is very colorful and diverse, but at the same time it has deep and strong traditions that are very revered in this country. The presence of foreign traditions in Argentine cuisine does not prevent it from remaining unique and incomparable with anything.