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The algerian

The algerian...

Algerian national cuisine is a collection of recipes rooted in ancient times. It is difficult to say that Algerian cuisine is something separate and characteristic only for this state.

For the most part, Algerian cuisine refers to the broader, generic concept of "Maghreb cuisine, " which combines the national cuisines of peoples living in North Africa. Many Maghreb dishes are very similar in composition and method of preparation and differ only in name.

This can be easily explained from a historical point of view, because until the end of the 19th century there was no strict division into states in this region, so everything here, including cuisine, developed in the same direction. Algerian cuisine bears traces of the influence of the kitchens of its closest neighbors - Tunisia and Morocco. French and Turkish cuisine also had no less impact.

Thanks to this influence, Algerian food recipes now boast headlines such as all sorts of kebabs, baguettes, puff sweets and a variety of pastries. The sweet dishes of Algerian cuisine are invariably prepared using a lot of sugar and honey.

The religious beliefs of Muslim Algeria have left their mark on culinary preferences. So in Algerian cuisine there are no dishes prepared from pork, as well as alcoholic beverages. Algerians can only afford light wines made from grapes that have been grown in local vineyards. They drink mainly juices in Algeria, as well as milk and clean water. Algerians are very fond of black coffee, but tea is consumed much less often than in other countries. From meat, lamb is preferred here, which not only does not contradict the Muslim faith, but is the most suitable type of meat for the local hot climate.

Algerian food recipes make generous use of fish. It is prepared in a variety of ways and served with a wide variety of sauces.

Algerian cuisine is consistently generously seasoned with spices and spices. You can list them all for as long as you like, here are just a few of them: cinnamon, turmeric, anise, muscat, ginger, cloves, cardamom, cumin, pepper, cumin, coriander.

To be sure, a rare dish of Algerian cuisine is complete without vegetables. Vegetable salads and vegetable snacks are most popular here. For example, peppers with olive oil, anchovies with garlic, cucumbers with added cream, and, of course, a salad of fried peppers and tomatoes. Potatoes, eggplants, artichokes, onions, various legumes are eaten in Algeria.

Of course, special culinary traditions are associated among Algerians with the great Muslim holiday of Ramadan. The traditional dish of this holiday is El Ham Lalu - a lamb dish with fruit, as well as a well-known wheat vegetarian soup, in which cilantro and mint are added. This soup is quite thick, but unusually tasty, despite the lack of meat.

Nevertheless, meat dishes in the recipes of Algerian cuisine occupy the main place. It is impossible not to note such famous dishes as khuzibet with cheese and spinach, which is a hot dish, as well as turtu with meat, very reminiscent of the usual pies.

So, in conclusion, it should be said that Algerian cuisine, although it was subjected to a powerful external influence, managed to maintain its originality and unique local flavor.