The african

The recipes of African cuisine mainly use local vegetables and fruits, exotic fish and game, flavored with a specific marinade of ancient crops. Africa is an entire mainland consisting of many countries where you can find an arid desert, plains, tropical swamps, and jungle, which is why the culinary traditions of this continent are multifaceted and ambiguous.
In Nigeria and coastal parts of East Africa, for example, they do not imagine their lives without chili peppers. France had a great influence on Senegalese cuisine - finely cut vegetables, lime juice, garlic, onions and marinades are widely used there. In addition, African cuisine in this region does not do without tropical fruits, especially bananas and coconuts.
Outside Muslim Africa, where alcohol is taboo, spirits are popular enough. Around the world, for example, South Africa is famous for its wines. The famous tangerine liqueur "Van Der Hum" is also produced there. One of Ethiopia's most famous drinks is "Tej" honey wine - it has been prepared for more than a century, and it tastes like a mead familiar to us.
By the way, regarding the culinary traditions of Ethiopia, we can say that this is the most isolated of African cuisines, since being geographically distant from the rest of Africa, it is closest to the indigenous style of cooking. Their diet is based on meat products, the freshness of which the indigenous people are very circumspect. A popular dish of African cuisine in this area is the Tartar version of steak, that is, raw finely chopped beef with different seasonings. For numerous meat dishes, it is customary to serve incredibly hot Berber sauce, which is a spicy pepper paste.
As for the cuisine of East Africa, it is often a combination of fish and meat. Broken and dried fish are fried in oil and mixed with sweet potatoes, chicken, onions, water and oil with chili - it turns out an aromatic gulash. East Africa is known to occupy most of the mainland, but European influence is not particularly felt here. The African cuisine recipes of the eastern part of the continent are based on starchy dishes with sorghum, millet, milk and bananas. Cornmeal is also used quite often. A distinctive feature is the almost complete absence of any meat, since cattle here are more and more used as currency than as food.
In Mozambique and Angola, the influence of Portugal is felt. It is not surprising, because it was the Portuguese who were the first among the Europeans who settled in the Sahara in the 15th century. Their influence quickly mixed with local culinary customs, as a result of which Mozambique's specific cuisine, based on the gifts of the sea, developed. Angola reflects the eastern cuisine, which is inherent in a different set of ingredients due to the drier climate. Thanks to the spread of Catholicism, local residents found the opportunity to enjoy meat dishes and all kinds of dishes based on vegetables and fruits. By the way, it was the Portuguese who introduced Aboriginal people to oranges, lemons and limes as excellent components for cooking.