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Dishes for trinity
As on other Christian holidays, it is customary to prepare mandatory traditional dishes for the Trinity.More about the dishes on Trinity...According to Orthodox canons, the week before the Trinity is considered festive. Therefore, already in the days before the holiday, I want to treat myself to something festive, original. According to custom, dishes on Trinity contain salads with a lot of greens, young cabbage. Treats on the Trinity are necessarily eggs symbolizing the sun. This also includes cottage cheese, chicken, meat, pancakes. On the Trinity menu, you can also include drachena (sometimes they say drochena), gingerbread, pies, loaves. Organize and you are a festive table on Trinity with a variety of traditional dishes! Trinity falls at the beginning of summer and lasts three days. The Holy Trinity unites three holidays at once: Parental Saturday, Trinity Sunday and Spirits Day. These are the so-called "green holidays. "
Trinity is a great Orthodox holiday. In the morning on this day, it is customary to go to church, and after the service, families and loved ones gather at the festive table. After the prayer, the meal begins. How to celebrate this holiday at home, what to cook for Trinity? In addition to the above treats, green soup and fresh cabbage cabbage soup are also prepared for lunch. Dishes for the Trinity are preferred with herbs, eggs. Wine is also appropriate. One of the main dishes of this holiday is pancakes. They are, among other things, worn in the cemetery on the day of Parental Saturday. Try to cook a delicious Sunday lunch for Trinity, invite people close to you to celebrate this day. Our simple and easy Trinity recipes will make it easier for you.
Decide for yourself what to cook for the Trinity, the recipes are simple and varied. We advise this holiday to set the table with a green tablecloth, decorate the meal and the whole house with green branches and flowers.