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Chicken nuggets

Nuggets are juicy chicken meat in a crisp golden crust.More about nuggets...
A popular dish of American cuisine that is loved and cooked all over the world - chicken nuggets. At home, they prepare easily and quickly. This dish is distinguished by a truly appetising crispy crust and the most delicate chicken meat inside. Nuggets in the 19th century were called gold bars by American gold diggers. Golden crust on pieces of meat and gave the name to this dish. To break away from such a dish above human strength, it is so appetizing.

Perhaps especially scrupulous adherents of healthy eating will consider McDonald's nuggets or other "catering" fast food, not quite a useful dish. But, if you try to cook them at home, then the harmfulness of the dish can be significantly reduced. Home-made nuggets are another, better treat. There are different ways to make chicken nuggets without oil, salt, fat, in the oven. The use of natural products will make nuggets a dish with a completely permissible calorie content. Try nuggets, the recipe can be selected according to taste and calorie content. To reduce it, cook nuggets in the microwave, nuggets in the oven, and not in oil. For lovers of more satisfying food, classic nuggets in a pan are suitable.

So, how to make nuggets. A recipe at home involves such operations. First, pieces of chicken meat collapse in flour, then in eggs and breading. The application of a variety of breading allows you to vary recipes. Breading can consist of crumbs, flakes, dry bread crumbs, crushed cracker. If desired, dry spices, herbs, crushed nuts, and even onions with garlic can be added to the breading.

Usually, nuggets are prepared by frying in a pan. At the same time, you do not need to feel sorry for vegetable oil, but it needs to be well heated. It is better that the oil completely covers the nuggets. Photos of this process are on the site. To speed up the process, nuggets are laid out more than one at a time in a pan. Pieces of chicken meat are stacked so that they do not touch each other. Frying in a pan is enough for about seven minutes. Hot nuggets first need to be placed on a paper towel to allow you to drain extra oil. So the ready-made dish will not be too fatty. To make nuggets crisp, you need to cool them a little. If you cook nuggets in the oven, then it should be preheated to 200 degrees. Cooking time is about twenty minutes.

To make the picture of how to make nuggets fuller, let's share some tips from experienced culinary experts:

- for breading, it is better to use not purchased crumbs, but to prepare dry bread crumbs themselves;

- to give the nuggets a rich color, you can add a little paprika to the breading;

- for uniform coating of meat with flour, pieces of meat should be placed in a container with a lid, sprinkled with flour. Shake the closed vessel well;

- really dietary nuggets will turn out if you make the breading layer thinner and cook them in the oven;

- chicken fillet is cooked faster if it is recaptured a little.