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Potato dishes

Potatoes are called second bread for a reason. I can't even believe that potatoes and potato dishes have been known to us not so long ago. Some two hundred years ago, Russian people did not know how to cook potatoes. More details about potato dishes...
Years have passed and our sprats have bitten through this overseas vegetable, today we have dozens of options that can be made from potatoes. We know how to make country potatoes, how to make French potatoes, how to cook potatoes in sour cream, baked and fried potatoes. Potato recipes in some families make up half of the menu. Recipes from potatoes can be found in almost all national cuisines of the world, because potato dishes, recipes with potatoes, are very nutritious, combined with a variety of products. There are few people who do not like dishes with potatoes. Almost everyone quickly knows what to cook from potatoes: fry or cook in a uniform. Usually cooking potatoes does not raise questions. We know very well what you can make from potatoes. But how tasty to cook potatoes is of interest to many.

Many people love potatoes, but traditional potato dishes are often boring, so the hostesses sooner or later wonder what to make from potatoes non-trivial and tasty. For example, it can be crumbs of potatoes at home, stuffed potatoes, potato draniks. But of course, this is not all that can be made from potatoes. Potatoes boiled in uniforms or just boiled potatoes - recipes that even a child can cook. There are other simple potato dishes: mash and casseroles, oven potatoes and steamer potatoes. Potatoes in a steamer, like baked potatoes, are considered the most useful ways to prepare potatoes. There are also such simple dishes from potatoes as fried potatoes, fries, which are very tasty, but not very healthy. There are also completely unusual potato dishes, recipes here can be cited as follows: potato pears, gratan, hunting potatoes. But these are already more complex recipes for cooking potatoes, even festive potato dishes. Various potato salads, side dishes, snacks and other delicious potato dishes should also be mentioned. We mean, for example, such dishes from potatoes as potatoes with cheese, potatoes in bacon, potatoes with lard, flaky potatoes, potatoes in cream, potatoes in sour cream. Success is guaranteed if you cook bacon potatoes, cheese potatoes. Another option, how tasty to cook potatoes, is to cook potatoes in milk. It has a very tender taste. Also, potatoes in milk are cooked in the oven, baked with cheese and spices. Potatoes are tasty if cooked with spices. For example, these are potatoes with rosemary.

Despite the fact that potatoes are difficult to spoil, if you chose some original recipe from potatoes, we recommend that you cook it with our photo tips. Choose potato dishes with photos, potato recipes with photos, potato recipes with photos, potato recipes with photos, and cook potatoes for health.