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Belarusian cuisine

Belarusian national cuisine is a symbiosis of Slavic cuisine, Baltic and Jewish. More aboutBelarusian national cuisine...
Dishes of Belarusian cuisine reflect Slavic cuisine to a greater extent, but they were also formed under the influence of Lithuanian cuisine, as well as Polish, Jewish and Tatar cuisines. Recipes of Belarusian cuisine are replete with potatoes, meat, mushrooms. Bigus, cepellines, sorcerers, dranics and dumplings - all this is Belarusian cuisine. Meat recipes are mainly used by pork, but poultry and fish are also in high esteem. Do not forget numerous pies, as well as tinctures, jelly and birch kvass, without them Belarusian cuisine is also unthinkable. Recipes with photos of Belarusian cuisine will help to prepare all this culinary variety correctly, which means tasty.