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Eintopf in German - one pot. It makes a thick soup with meat and vegetables, replacing a two-course meal. The recipe for Eintopf, the Germans believe, arose in those days when people worked hard, lived poorly, and their families were large. The peasants preferred food hearty and easy to cook. Eintopf is a wonderful invention of German cuisine: it saves time and dishes, is very tasty and nutritious. More details about Eintopf...
There are many variants of eintopf: with sausages, with liver, with speck, with fish. The composition of the eintopf is determined only by the chef's imagination and the products available to him.

You can add legumes, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, celery, pieces of meat, sausages, vermicelli, cereals and much more to Eintopf. Eintopf made of cabbage with potatoes, mushrooms and sausages is very popular with Germans. Eintopf is especially good in winter. Cooked in the oven, it is fragrant, retains all the beneficial properties of its constituent products and stays warm for a long time.

Eintopf soup is loved not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. Belgians add light beer to eintopf, the French make eintopf from lamb with white turnips and call it "navarin, " and the Spaniards cook "cosido" - their eintopf - with beans or peas. On our website you will also find recipes for eintopf Irish and eintopf in Scottish, eintopf with chicken and fish eintopf, and a dozen more original recipes for this miracle soup.